Wednesday, 1 January 2014

1/1: My 100th Post!!


I'm a fan of new years resolutions. I think it's a good point to pause and reflect, and look to improve for a better future for ourselves. Nowadays we're all constantly in a rush, on the clock, in a haze. Mind, I have a firm obsession with time myself, which probably makes this all the more important that I can make sure I don't waste any of it without knowing.

I'm feeling extra positive this new year - probably more than ever before! Here are my 3 resolutions for the year 2014 ahead of me; it's important to be realistic and focused. I used to write a whole list of things I'd like to achieve no matter how small or big, thinking it'd be good to be able to tick off half of it by the end of the year! Now though I think it's much more effective to stay focused on a few important things, so we don't overwhelm ourselves or be as big a defeatist I was. These are hardly original but I feel everyone can benefit from; in the order of priority:

From 2013, I realised I focus a lot on negatives than I do on positives; basically taking negatives too seriously and dismissing positives too easily - driving myself into corners which is never healthy. That is why when I came across this I just know it's the perfect potion! I've even ordered my special jar as an incentive! Will any of you join my voyage?

Health & Fitness: This seems awfully generic but it doesn't need to be if you're determined. I spent most of last year stuck in a chair, be it at my desk or in a car, for my brand/business, being deeply unhappy and gained a lot of unhappy weight. So this year, I would like to start exercising again and regain my body happiness! We all know fitness generates happy hormones! I simply can't wait to take up yoga again! 

I'd like to officially try something new every week! (Everyday seemed too ambitious as I thought my No.1 Resolution was more important to myself right now, then my original idea of every month seemed a little naff - so every week it is!) No matter how big or small, it's always good to surprise our eyes and awaken our minds as life starts becoming a very fixed routine, like a rat race. Even walking a different street to work you've never been down counts! I'm very open to new suggestions though as I'm not sure how I'll find something new to discover every week yet...but I'd certainly like to try and am determined to make it happen!

I hope I have inspired your January 1st a little, and don't listen to those January Blues talks - toxins they are!



  1. Happy New Year !

    Try to keep these resolution in mind the whole year ;p (I know, it will be really hard)

    Hey, would you like to follow each other ?
    To explain, I'm quite a new blogger, a little sheep who fled his flock to create his own style, and share it all around !
    So, take a look to my blog, follow me if you like on any social platform you want and let me know, I follow you right back :) <3

    1. Hi Sofia!

      Thanks for getting in touch! I checked out your blog - it's so lovely! I'll defo look you up! xoxo

  2. Enjoy reading your article and happy new year!

    1. Aw thanks Gail that means a lot! Happy New Year to you too! x

  3. Replies
    1. Happy New Year to you too Sienna! Sorry it's a little late! xoxo

  4. Happy New Year and I hope it's a positive one for you!!!

    1. Thanks so much Jessica! I hope it's a positive one for you too hon! :) xoxo

  5. Happy New Year and Happy 100!!!

    1. Thanks and happy new year to you too Sally! x

  6. Happy New Year!!... I'm loving no 3 so Im gonna give something new every week a try too!! X

  7. Aw Janette I'm so glad!! I'm having quite a lot of fun with mine! Thinking about keeping track of each on Instagram! How's yours going? Ah i'm so excited! X


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