This was a very beautiful love story and I was quite gutted at the end of it.
Eddie Redmayne's portrayal of Stephen Hawking was extraordinary and one can certainly see why he deserves all the recognition he is getting for it. The long supportive wife played by Felicity Jones was also fabulously touching. Even though I can't place her in anything I've seen it turns out she has actually been in many films before like The Amazing Spiderman 2. She's so super cute and pretty though I'm glad she finally got the chance to shine!
Seeing this movie isn't new, can I assume everything has seen it or at least already know what this movie was about? Just in case, this is the love story of Professor and Mrs Hawkings - how they met, their journey through his illness that was supposed to claim his short life. The twist, as the struggles began to lift for them, they separated. I know you can't rewrite people's lives and I'm certainly not complaining that they didn't change the plot for a more Hollywood ending, but I am struggling to come to terms with it a little.
I have this compulsive need to dissect things until I find answers.
It was wrapped up in black & white that they remain great companions to this day. All the more - then why? Does love just run out? For their bond to have conquered so much, what makes you give it up instead when it is finally starting to paying off? Or am I being discriminative that such a marriage should be different from other marriages (where half end in divorces)?
Also, was anybody else a little disappointed that there weren't more about the man's brilliance? Deeper explanations of his ideas and physics? As much as I blame this on the title, this certainly is a film I can rewatch and get just as touched.