I know I have taken a while with this but San Diego Comic Con is the event of the year after all and I just have so so much to share! I'll make sure I stick to highlights and keep it concise!
Preview Night!
First stop - the Lego stand of course!
I spotted, loved, bought, and have been very smug ever since! What makes this TBBT set great is that it is made by LEGO Ideas Concept, so it was voted by public; created by LEGO fans. I was a little bit disappointed with the window end of the living room and fact that the kitchen wasn't included. The potential is there though! I have gone off the series for a few seasons now. I think it has trailed pretty far off from what it used to be. This didn't seem to take away my excitement when I saw the set though haha! I'll be building it in the next few weeks so look out for a review post!
This was a SDCC pre-release; its official US release date is Aug 1st (not long now!) but I have no idea if UK will even have it? I've googled on multiple occasions but no joy - does anyone know?
Then I walked on until I came across her:
I would go as far as saying this version of Wonderwoman (Dawn of Justice) is my favourite. So contemporary and even more empowering if that was even possible.
Is it too early to start a Christmas (Pre-order) Wishlist?
DAY 1:
Mai Shiranui from SNK
(For the gamer in me!)
Most people didn't know who Mai or SNK was, which was a little disappointing. Then there was one lady with her two daughters who got mega excited seeing me. She explained that she works for SNK and she absolutely loved the support as well as the interpretation - which was totally enough to make my day!
Today was a lot about dashing for exclusives as the official day 1 of SDCC! Very lucky to have planned a costume with no heels involved!
This Batman vs Superman though!!! It was selling out like crazy and I literally focused all my energy of the day for this! I'm pretty sure I got the last one of the entire show! Phew!! I also managed to snatch the Ted 2 and Antman SD Exclusives on the way - woohoo!
I get a kick out of doing normal things while in cosplay. You'd be surprise how often I get photographed to "continue looking at the phone" etc., I draw the line when people just snap and run at my ugliest moments though (i.e. eating, fixing myself, split of a yawn). That is just rude. Well actually, New York was the worst; people at SD had been very nice and had always asked first :)
DAY 2:
Angela of Asgard
This cosplay was the biggest & most complex worbla challenge of my life so far! It was so many late nights, so much sanding, and so much glue. It was probably only so much messier because it was all happening in my living room! My poor little puppy... I am the most proud of the ribbon, have even inserted wires in the ends to give it the dramatic swirls the comics had! Least proud is the belt, it's just that little bit too wide. I also wish I had more time to smooth the worbla surfaces more and more until it shines like metal armour!
I'm happy with the result anyway and everyone who knew Angela spotted me instantly. Some people asked about who I was cosplaying as and for those of you reading now who isn't familiar with Angela yet: She is the sister of Thor, an Asgard Assassin, just entered Guardians of the Galaxy comics, and the newest Avenger!
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Click here for more, straight from Marvel.com! |
Siblings Hang! |
My character-doing-human-things-of-the-day:
I don't actually smoke, just lent it for the picture hah!
DAY 3:
Lets hope the movie is better than its costumes.
An ounce of me almost wanted to queue for a chance to Hall H for J.Law. Then it passed. But hey here's most of what happened during the panel and I can't believe how awkward most of it is!
On the cosplay front:
and my favourite - Mad Max x Frozen! How original! |
I personally hate to be teased. Yet most the windows at SDCC aren't things you can just take home in exchange for money. Just look at their cute little selves!!! Argh!!
DAY 4:
Junko Enoshima
Last day of SDCC! Today was all about scavenging for last minute exclusives. Why I say "scavenge"? Only because by now all the hottest toys were long gone, bought by people who queued from the crack of dawn to get into any first queues. It was pretty amusing to see how mega efficient these buyers are as eBay sellers. I honestly applaud their drive especially at the FedEx office! It is a shame that SDCC is so hype & money driven but hey, guess that's life. Anyway, I still got some pretty sweet stuff in my eyes. I loved my cute little Batgirl by Mattel, Marvel Pops as souvenirs for my brothers, and omg the transformers by Hasbro!! <3
Then I went to roam around town. Have you heard about Heroes Reborn yet? I personally was thoroughly done with the series long before it was axed; much like Lost, it just completely lost the plot. With an almost complete new cast, I think their pilot will make or break the return of the series old fan base. Because the cast look so green though, they could be targeting new younger audience. We shall find out when it comes out!
Fan of Ash vs Evil Dead anyone? I had been going back every day for a different item of free merch and voila I finally got the full collection! Thanks to a very very kind guy who was happy to swap with me that is - I would have otherwise had too many chainsaws & t-shirts with no hat (the most limited item)! The idiot that I am though, went through the efforts of putting the t-shirt on then blocked it entirely with the chainsaw...doh...!
Who knew Junko & Bebop made such a handsome couple?
Then there's the absolute cutest cosplayer EVER as a Pink Clonetrooper! <3
Con Village:
Outside the official convention, what I'd call the con village, hosts a lot of different events too. I hadn't managed to see everything out there but gaming was my priority!! With the given time frame I hit NerdHQ and tried out Star Wars Battlefront first hand!! I'm smiling as I'm typing even, just SO CITED!!
Then some real life Assassins action at the AC site - they were amazing!
Teams & teams of new TV series having a riot (good ones) with each other at who can chant the loudest! They were Colony, Sharknado 3, and Outlanders.
I realised after I had worn the hat like a cap when it was clearly a beret. Other photos didn't have this awesome shark-guy's photobomb though so...easy choice really :D |
Last bit before I sign off - this guy sums it up well:
Phew, I'm exhausted! Even though it has been fun reliving the whole con through all my photos! Hope you felt the same!
K xoxo